When I’m not reading books and reviewing them, I’m looking at other Book Review Blogs.

Here are five of my favorites that I often peruse daily.

Bibliohphilia Please

Bibliophilia, Please … Kayla is wonderful for letting me put up some of my reviews here 🙂

Kayla, Amber and Zee  read a wide variety of books and their reviews are fantastic.


Smart Bitches Trashy Books … This site is awesome. They have a podcast, talk about how disturbing some romance covers can be, help people find books they read long ago, but up free and deals on books, and so much more!


Cozy Mystery List … This is where I go when I need to catch up on the cozy mysteries I read. Erin dedicates a lot of time and love to this blog, and it shows. There is so much wonderful information here.


We Like It Big Book Blog … Is written by two moms who read a lot of romance, but not exclusively. I was drawn to this blog by their comic header that I saw on Facebook. I hopped over to their blog, and really liked what I saw.


Literary Escapism … I don’t remember how I came across this site, but it has a bit of everything, including Reading Challenges.

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