Today I have book club with some friends from the library and a few that don’t work at the library.

So this book club, compared to the one held at the library, can get a bit more risque in the titles we choose, and the discussions we have.

These books are the ones that produced the most memorable discussions from the various book clubs I’m part of.


Don’t let this plain book cover deceive you, it is the most strange book I have ever read.

And it’s really stuck with me, as you will notice from past blog entries.


Another plain book cover, but the discussion was anything but…


Seems like everyone know someone on the Autism Spectrum.

Add that to a young man being accused of murder, and you really see how people react when parenting skills come up.


We have a hard core Pratchett fan in our book club, so it was very interesting when she pointed out the various things the rest of us had missed.


Life, death and the after-life. This brings up a lot of interesting feelings and thoughts. 

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