Title: Priced to Kill
Margaret Evans
Second Treasures Mysteries #2
Release Date:
December 7, 2016
Book Source: 

“Laura Keene’s adventures in Raging Ford, Minnesota, continue as she struggles to pull her life together and find the truth behind the deaths of her parents. In Volume 2 of the Second Treasures Mysteries, “Priced to Kill,”

Laura digs into the history of a beautiful hand-made quilt and discovers it may have been an instrument of death in the past. What she uncovers puts lives in danger, and she is faced with how far the killer is willing to go to keep a perfect crime secret.” Amazon

My Review:

Margaret Evans has really found her stride in the second volume of the Second Treasures Mysteries series. I enjoyed the first book, Twice Sold Murder, but I found myself getting into this one even more.

Evans does a lot more character development, which I always enjoy. We get to see more of the inner workings of the man who made up Harry’s rules, as well as his brothers. There is more interaction between Laura and her three best friends, and we find out why Jenna is so unlucky in love. Connor and Eric’s side mystery from the previous book is finally answered. And the romance between her and Connor really heats up, with Connor showing how much he believes in Laura at the end of the book, just like a good partner should.

The way Evans weaves so many mysteries together in one book is amazing. Not only do you get the main mystery, but numerous other ones. Some that are solved by the end of the book, others that will continue to the next book, Hanging by a Thread. And the mystery of what happened to Laura’s parents really has me wanting to read book three.

Evans is also a master at misdirection and red herrings. Not only was I second guessing myself at times, but the way she wrote scenes, leaving questions up in the air, was a great way to have even more side mysteries in future books. I’m thinking of you, Mr. Insurance Sales Man!

Finally, the little touch of the supernatural with Empress Isabella, the cat, has me intrigued. Is she a ghost, is Laura going crazy, or really stuck in the Matrix and this is a glitch!? I’m looking forward to finding out.

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