Title: A Cup of Silver Linings
Author: Karen Hawkins
Series: Dove Pond NC #2
Publisher: Gallery Books
Release Date: July 6, 2021
Pages: 368
Book Source: Hardcover

“Ava Dove—the sixth of the seven famed Dove sisters and owner of Ava Dove’s Landscaping and Specialty Teas—is frantic.

Just as her fabulous new tearoom is about to open, her herbal teas have gone wonky. Suddenly, her sleep-inducing tea is startling her clients awake with vivid dreams, her romance-kindling tea is causing people to blurt out their darkest secrets, and her anti-anxiety tea is making them spend hours staring into mirrors. Ava is desperate for a remedy, but her search leads her into dangerous territory, as she is forced to face a dark secret she’s been hiding for over a decade.

Meanwhile, successful architect Ellen Foster has arrived in Dove Pond to attend the funeral of her estranged daughter, Julie. Grieving deeply, Ellen is determined to fix up her daughter’s ramshackle house, sell it, and then sweep her sixteen-year-old granddaughter, Kristen, off to a saner, calmer life in Raleigh. But Kristen has other plans. Desperate to stay with her friends in Dove Pond, Kristen sets off on a quest she’s avoided her whole life—to find her never-been-there father in the hopes of winning her freedom from the grandmother she barely knows.” – Amazon

Kim’s Review

The Dove Pond NC series by Karen Hawkins needs to be made into a TV series! It reminds me a bit of the Good Witch series (which I love) but with an expanded universe of seven different sisters with seven different powers. Magical realism at its finest.

A Cup Full of Silver Linings focuses on the sixth sister, Ava, and a grandmother and grand-daughter, although we do continue to get to know more about the Dove Pond residents from book one. There are some pretty heavy issues dealt with in this book including a secret that has been trying to get loose for many years, death, family, and affairs of the heart. Hawkins is able to explore these issues in a sweet but realistic way… along with a touch of magic.

I would love to live in Dove Pond and be able to benefit from Ava’s teas and her sister’s knowledge of books. Books and tea are two of my favorite things, so of course, this series has endured itself to me. But I’m also looking forward to the next book since one of the sisters will be coming home, opening a store next to Ava, and using her weather (or air) powers in some spectacular ways.

If you enjoy watching movies on the Hallmark channel or books/movies with magical realism you need to check out Hawkins’s Dove Pond series.


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