The V’Dan by Jean Johnson : Book Review

The V’Dan by Jean Johnson : Book Review

Title: The V’Dan Author: Jean Johnson Publisher: Ace Release Date: December 29, 2015 Pages: 414 Book Source: Library paperback The V’Dan always believed they were the chosen race, destined to make a mark on the galaxy. For the last few centuries, they interacted...
Linesman by S.K. Dunstall : Book Review

Linesman by S.K. Dunstall : Book Review

Title: Linesman Author: S. K. Dunstall Publisher: Ace Release Date: June 30, 2015 Pages: 384 Book Source: Paperback The lines. No ship can traverse the void without them. Only linesmen can work with them. But only Ean Lambert hears their song. And everyone thinks he’s...

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